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[DEV TOOLS] ApkManager V6.1


original post / source : here

This is repacked version of the famous Apk Manager by wanamlite, one of the easiest way to hack & modify any Android application.

I repacked this tool with the following features:
Based on ApkManager 4.9 by Daneshm90 (Big thanks to him)
Updated Apktool V1.5.2 by iBotPeaches & Brut.Alll
Updated Aapt v0.2
Default compression level set to “0″
512Mo as default allowed heap size
3 ready for use fake frameworks : “other\wanam1.apk”… (for Lidroid framework editing)
Add a “Decompile all files” feature (option 25)

A few useful Tips :

1- Always push resources files (framwork-res & twframework-res) before decompiling your Application :
using this command : “apktool.bat if framework-res.apk”

2- While recompiling and after generating the keep folder, remove from this folder :
Any file you modified or deleted
“Classes.dex” if you modified, deleted or added any smali files
“resources.arsc” if you modified or added any xml file or resources files (images)

3- You may need sometimes to fix some plurals manually (by enumerating the plurals “1$d” “2$d”, removing redundant “%”… just follow the logs errors)

4- For some Applications, you may need to fix some wrong “reference-array”, change them to “reference-array”.

5- If you modify AndroidManifest.xml you have to resign your application.

If you find any of the above bugs or any other ApkTool bug, please report it here.

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