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AndriodSuite is a program which combines many different development tools and puts them in one place, with simple to use funtions and a nice GUI. The tool can; Decode .apk files (Android apps) making them editable for theming, customizing or bug fixes as well as recompile and sign them afterwards so they can be installed again. Decode and encode .dex files such as classes.dex found in a apk. The tool also has fastboot support to flash’s, flash boot.img (Kernels), reboot device and reboot to fastboot mode. The program has a self updating system so you don’t need to worry about not getting the latest updates!

Change Log & Tutorial


v117 Re-release!
Updated Apktool
Reworked a lot of the code as all source apart from version 115 was lost
Fixed under laying bugs and should now of sorted encode and decode issues

32bit compatibility fixed
ICS support added
Bug fixes
Images showing again
No more refresh bug

Apk Signer added!
And working updater
Tutorial help section added, but program closes after viewing

AndroidSuite 2012 what it does:
Decodes and encodes Dex files
Decodes and encodes APK files (Previously bugged in APKManager)
Gives a console output
Flash boot.img (fastboot)
Flash (fastboot)
reboot/reboot fastboot mode
Sign unsigned apks
Whats to be added?
ADB Apk flasher
Any suggestions?

System requirements:
Windows (XP/Vista/7/8)
512MB free system memory
Java (JRE/JDK 6 prefered)
Android Suite 2012 by Team Scripthen

Place the APKs in the directory apk
refresh the list,
select from the first list box which one you want to decode then hit
“decode selected” you can then edit the source in “decoded-apks”.
to re-encode, refresh the list again, the select from the second list which directory
you’d like to encode hit “encode selected” once the progress bar has stopped you can
then safetly remove the APK from “encoded-apks” directory.

place your .dex file in the directory “repoDex” go to the main window and then hit
“Decode Dex”, then you can click “Open OUT Directory” to view the source code.
Once finished with the source code you can then hit “Encode Dex” to reencode it to
“classes.dex” which will appear in programs root.

APK Signing:

Place your apk file to be signed in “unsigned” rename it too apk (apk.apk)
Now hit Apk Signer under Experimental features, this creates your new signed apk as “signed-apk.apk” in /unsigned folder

Experimental features added:

Applies an to the device,
please note:
To apply the update, the archive needs to be in %PROGRAMROOT%repo

Send reboot signal to the phone

Boot to fast mode;
Reboot the phone to fast mode

This has NOT been fully tested!!!
To apply the new boot image put it in %PROGRAMROOT%repo

It would be extremely helpful if you were to post bugs/errors on this topic so we can find them easier.

More info & download

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