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[TOOL] APK to Java


Since I'm into making Android Apps nowadays, I thought of making this tool to save me (and you) time. So I started coding it and it worked out pretty well so far. The tool can decompiles your selected apk to Java code, to learn from it, so as an educational purpose.
Additionally it also can decompile to smali code and it can decompile the resources of the app. It's currently a very early beta but it works successfully (at least at my computer)
The final version should convert any app successfully to java/smali/resource and an eclipse project, I'm doing my best to make it all work ASAP, if you think I did something wrong in the source or you want to contribute anything please let me know!

Used External Tools (thanks a lot to these developers!):
- 7za (Igor Pavlov)
- apktool (Ryszard Wisniewski, iBotPeaches)
- aapt (Google AOSP Team)
- baksmali-1.4.0 (JesusFreke's)
- jd-gui (Emmanuel Dupuy)
- jad (Pavel Kouznetsov)
- dex2jar (pxb1988)

- JRE 6/7 (I think that's all, but maybe android-sdk is needed, I guess not)

More info and Download visit

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